Master Plumbers Australia & New Zealand Welcomes Increased Gas Adoption
MPANZ today (Wednesday 17 July) expressed its support for more Australians choosing gas over fully electric energy solutions.
The Master Plumbers' Association of ACT is the peak industry body representing plumbing contractors throughout the ACT, from sole operators to medium sized plumbing businesses and large contracting firms.
As an independent not-for profit organisation we have proudly served the ACT since 1976 – before that as the Master Plumbers and Sanitary Engineers Association of NSW, Canberra and District Branch.
Our vision is to be recognised as the leading Association of plumbing, drainage and gas-fitting businesses, dedicated to professional training, industry leadership and ethical standards in the interests of public health, safety and environmental sustainability in the ACT.
Our members are all business owners and most of them employ other qualified trades people or apprentices. Apart from the many obvious benefits of representing the plumbing industry including – networking, information, group discounts, training and promoting best practices through legislation.