Master Plumbers Australia & New Zealand Welcomes Increased Gas Adoption
MPANZ today (Wednesday 17 July) expressed its support for more Australians choosing gas over fully electric energy solutions.
Master Plumbers Australia and New Zealand (MPANZ) represents member Associations across Australia and New Zealand.
Members of MPANZ protect the health of our community and the environment through the delivery of professional plumbing services.
Maintain high safety standards and protect public health through rigorous regulation, consistent national standards, and enhanced oversight of plumbing products and construction practices.
Advocate for legislative reform to ensure fair and timely compensation for plumbers and subcontractors who face significant financial pressures due to unfair contract terms and delayed payments in the construction industry.
Address the critical workforce shortage in the plumbing industry due to declining apprenticeship commencements, high training costs, and insufficient government incentives, which threatens its ability to meet future demands.