MPANZ Statement on Gas Energy Policy
Master Plumbers Australia/New Zealand (MPANZ) strongly believes that individuals in leadership roles, including federal MPs, should avoid conflating natural gas with less environmentally friendly fossil fuels.
The plumbing industry plays a significant role in maintaining the health and wellbeing of communities across Australia, with nearly 25,000 plumbing businesses operating across the country.
Listed below are the five national priorities that we seek your commitment to on behalf of our members:
See Master Plumbers Australia and New Zealand Federal Election Document.
Plumbing and sanitation are the foundation of public health. In practice, this means our quality of life depends on the knowledge and skills of qualified plumbers, and fittings and fixtures that are fit for purpose. Master Plumbers Australia and New Zealand stands for the belief that regulated products, industry and properly qualified contractors and tradespeople have vital roles in the protection of the community. Please click here (document attached) to review a copy of the priorities document.
With the Federal Election fast approaching, MPA has written to all major political parties asking them to address each of our priorities above. Please see responses received below: